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Bio Security Constrains In Your Export Market


A lot of issues on biosecurity for exporters which have surfaced recently.

One of the latest incidents was the past month when Fiji endured a temporary and soon lifted suspension on four vegetable and fruit item imports into New Zealand.

This managed to generate a lot of queries of the biosecurity measures and what Fijian authorities can do to help minimise the issue.

Since a lot of issues arise from the fresh agricultural exports, there is continuous assistance from the government to help eliminate rejection of goods.

The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji to begin with, conducts various workshops with farmers and exporters to help educate and prepare them for the export market.

The Ministry of Agriculture is also lending a hand.

Over the course of two weeks, the Ministry, with the help of Pacific Island Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO), organised an Agribusiness Exporters Symposium.

The symposium served as a platform for farmers, exporters, freight services and custom brokers to engage in discussions and voice their concerns and opinions of various issues regarding biosecurity.

This week Sun Business spoke to various exporters to voice their opinions and concerns of the challenges they face with biosecurity.


What are some bio security constrains you face in your export market? Which of the export markets has the most stringent measures?


There are plenty challenges as such but I think I mentioned Biosecurity Authority of Fiji is assisting us a lot from the perspective of PNG and they have been talking to the National Agent of Quarantine.

The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji is working with them to help gather information and clarity. One of the issues is out of the agency; it is in PNG parliament actually.

We are very happy with the local agents as they have been doing a very good job.  But there are a lot of challenges.

Nouzab Fareed

Fijian Holdings Group chief executive officer


For biosecurity authority, it is better if they coincide with the MPI and have a workshop all around Fiji for the farmers.  This would be to teach them what kind of methods they can use in the farm.

This way we don’t get affected because once we pour something in the soil and it goes in you cannot undo that. However, if these workshops were to occur, it should be funded by the Ministry and not the farmers.The market is growing and the plan that is given by the Bainimarama Government for loophole policy is in the roll. The onus is on the Agriculture Ministry to help the farmers upgrade their skills, have workshops and so that we don’t have this problem.

I export to New Zealand and America and the tougher market would be America because there are a lot of laws we need to deal with them and there’s a lot of paper work to be done.

It is easy because the work of the Bainimarama Government, we have the BioSecurity, the Ministry of Agriculture and then you have the trade, those are the people who help you, we have the right paperwork done, we go to them and we have everything done for you.

Praveen Narayan

Greengold Kava in Savusavu


Communication (breakdown) – The discussion or the agreement between both parties is not portrayed to their colleagues. We import chicken flavours for chips which does not contain animal fat and the relevant documents were submitted at first import but they fail to inform their colleagues. Which become a barrier if we don’t represent the same at border clearance on every importation.

Lack of Awareness – enforcement of new fee & procedure without consultation with stakeholder or their representative (brokers).

Poor in record keeping – E.g. Manual record keeping which results us to manage their accounting system. Delays border clearance, affects our production at times

Lack of staffs which results poor service at border clearance. E.g. screening cargos for 100% inspection and fail to provide officer when de-stuffing of cargoes

Double dipping – applies to import goods LCL cargo at CFS. E.g. CFS Operator pays inspection fee for de-stuffing CONTAINERS and at time of clearance we pay inspection fee again

Our cost of doing business is more – E.g. we have approved place to do fumigation and different rate is charged to us compared to other approved places. (Wharf/ CFS)

Currently we export to 21 countries. In terms of Countries import regulations, these markets would qualify under strict measures: Australia/ NZ/ Tahiti/ Wallis & Futuna

Port Weight Restrictions, fumigation at Country of Origin a must and not at port of discharge, clean Units (no dirt on containers)/ food grade, restriction on certain product ingredients which limits the variety of products we sell into a particular country and packaging.

Anuj Patel

FMF Group General Manager


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